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商务英语中的management presentation是什么意思

2020/7/10 15:43:59      点击:


       而是,这两个单词的前边,会冠以“project”即“project management presentation”,或“time”,即“time management presentation”之类的。

       但此时,意思就完全与management presentation大相径庭了,而成为“project management” presentation或者“time management” presentation了,活生生地把“time management presentation”拆散了。



       我们注意到,在presentation的全英文解释中,有这样一个意思“a meeting at which sth, especially a new product or idea, or piece of work, is shown to a group of people”, 也就是中文中的“展示会、介绍会、发布会”的意思。

       此外,我们通过英文搜索引擎,找到了management presentation的解释,即:

       A management presentation, in the context of a company sale, is the first in-person meeting between a management team and a prospective buyer. It is a meeting typically initiated by the company owner and his/her management team prior to actual negotiations occurring. During the meeting, the management team pitches the merits  of the company and answers any questions that the buyer might have.

       大致意思就是,management presentation就是公司管理层和潜在买家之间的首次见面会;这个会议一般是由公司老板或其管理团队发起,一般是在正式谈判之前进行;会议中,管理层会向买家说明公司的优势并回答买家的问题。

       因此,我们可以大致将management presentation理解为“首次见面会”。



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